Baby to Toddler Toys: 5 Little Toys with Lasting Entertainment

posted by nicole

I’m always on the lookout for toys that will both interest my daughter and stay age-appropriate for more than a few weeks. It’s such a shame that kids outgrow  toys so quickly! This probably sounds crazy, but my heart actually hurts when I toss another toy into its final resting place, the attic storage bin. I’m happy to say that there are a few toys that have transitioned well from the infant stage to the toddler stage. Other perks-they’re wallet friendly and small enough to travel well.

Here are some of my daughter’s favorites that have transitioned with her from baby to toddler:

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Baby Einstein Take-Along Tunes

This kid-friendly “MP3” player is a great asset to my baby bag. It plays 7 classical songs that baby can control, has a beaded handle-friendly for holding and teething, and attracts attention with colorful lights. It’s great for restaurants, strollers, carseats, and cribs. It soothed my daughter as a baby and now keeps her dancing as a toddler.

Fisher-Price Laugh and Learn Clickn’ Learn Remote

Kids love remotes of all kinds. This realistically shaped toy remote helped save our real one from certain disaster.  When G was a baby it helped introduce her to music, textures, and lights.  Now as a toddler, she notices the numbers and volume control, dances to the music, plays “find the remote,” and even points it at the TV pressing the on and off button. Who taught her that?

Sassy A-Z Letter Links

Once in a neat zippered package, this 26 letter-link alphabet set can likely be found in 26 places around my house! Early on, my little one just enjoyed holding (and chewing on) each letter. I also linked them to her play gym to hang extra toys from. Now, as a toddler, she’s still using them. She’s beginning to recognize the various colors and letter shapes, pulling them apart, linking them together, piling them up, sorting them, and more.  They also travel well, fitting in a baby bag, or hooking to strollers and car seats.

Fisher-Price Laugh and Learn Sing-with-Me CD Player

By the time my daughter grows up, CD players will certainly be extinct. However, this handy Sing-with-Me player may just survive the test of time! The little cd disks, easy open and shut front, carry me handle, lights, music, and sound buttons provide a great source of lasting entertainment. This toy easily transitions from baby to toddler.

Fisher-Price Laugh and Learn Teddy’s Shapes and Colors Book

Kids are never too young (or old) to enjoy books. This type of book has hard plastic easy flip pages, music, and a light up button that reads the story. It teaches simple shapes, colors, and early language. As a baby G enjoyed the music and flashing lights, and as a toddler she enjoys flipping the pages and pointing to the objects the read aloud feature names.

I’m always looking for toys that provide lasting age-appropriate entertainment. These have made the cut with my active baby turned toddler. What toys have survived your attic bin? What types of toys would you add to this list?



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